Friday, May 20, 2011

What this blog will be about....

I don't know much about myself, still trying to figure some things out but there is one thing that is irrefutably true and that is my love for music....I LOVE MUSIC.  I will be updating this blog on my weekly playlist.... what I think is hot right now, my favorite song of the week. (I tend to get obsessed with a song and will put it on repeat for days at a time so you may see the same song on months of playlists).  I love all kinds of music especially Spanish (merengue, salsa, cumbia, etc), being half European (Dutch) you know I am in love with electro-based techno stuff of course basically the music I can fist pump to (I hope you can sense the sarcasm) and I adore hip hop.  Some songs might get redundant because of my obsessions, some songs will be in Dutch and Spanish, I am "Spanutch"afterall (refer to my profile if you don't get that) Hehe. It's going to be all awesome music, which means NO COUNTRY.  Lol.  So if you like awesome music and want recommendations.... follow this blog! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! (Was that pathetic or what?) And if you really like country... maybe you should watch CMT or GAC (aren't those the country chanels?) or check's country list, for your fix, 'cause you won't be getting that here.  Welcome fellow music enthusiasts!


  1. I put songs on repeat too, and then I get sooo sick of them.

    I'm following, this is a neat idea. I'd like to see what kind of music you're into.


  2. Thanks ladies, follow my other blog too:

    i'm in the process of moving all my tumblr stuff to that blogspot.

    jessi-- i don't get sick of them, i just put them on short retirement to avoid getting sick of a good song. yaaa know?
